
Parish Clergy:
We extend a warm and sincere welcome our two new Priests – Fr Augustine Obiagwu and Fr Francisco Ulogu
They are, like Fr Ernest and Fr Mario before them, members of the Nigerian based Order of HFFBY – Holy Family Fathers Brothers and Youth
They will be resident at St Mary’s Fernyhalgh presbytery and have responsibility for the parish of St Mary’s Fernyhalgh and Our Lady’s shrine at Ladyewell.
Additionally, Fr Augustine who will be Priest in Charge and Fr Francisco will also serve Our Lady and St Edwards and St Mary’s Newhouse.
May God Bless their Ministry.
Our Missionary Sisters
Assisted by Sr Shienrose and Sr Monique who reside in Our Lady and St Edward’s presbytery.
Sr Monique and Sr Shienrose are Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres (SPC), a missionary Congregation, founded in 1696, by Fr. Louis Chauvet, parish priest of Levesville-la-Chenard, a little village in the region of Beauce, South East of Chartres, France.
Their mission involved working to improve the human and spiritual level of the villagers by educating the girls and visiting the poor and sick.
SPC are now working in 40 countries, in 5 continents and are still faithful to their first mission. The Mother House is in Chartres, France, and the Generalate is in Rome and the Regional House is in Dublin.
SPC Philippine Province was founded in 1904 by French missionaries. About 500 Filipino Sisters are spread all over the archipelago in the ministry of education, health and pastoral. Some 60 Filipino Sisters are working around the world as missionaries.
It is the Love of Christ that impels the sisters to answer the call to serve Our Lady and St Edward Parish, Fulwood Preston.