Our Parish supports a number of local charities and others working overseas. Those listed below enable us to show support and solidarity with others less fortunate than ourselves.
There is a weekly collection outside church for Kalomo a parish in Zambia.
The connection between the Parish of Kalomo, Zambia, and Our Lady and St Edward’s Parish in Fulwood, Preston, began with Deacon Peter Williams dec’d who spent a year there living and helping at a mission run by the Union of Presentation Sisters from Eire. The nearest airport is that of Livingstone (Maramba) on the border south of Kalomo which is more than 50 miles away. (The capital, Lusaka, is much further, more than halfway to the narrower ‘neck’ of the country). It is nearly all ‘high’ country, well above sea level, specialising in cattle and maize. Some years later Peter welcomed Fr Charles, a young priest from Kalomo, who then spent some time in our parish. One of Charles’ many stories was about getting to school as a young lad. He always took a big stout stick as it was a very long walk, setting off at about 6 am to reach school at 9 o’clock, with an equally long journey back at the end of the day. Why the stick? It was in case he met a lion anywhere on that long walk! Fortunately he never did, but it was always a possibility! Zambia is in the heart of Africa, surrounded by Angola on the west, Zaire to the north, then Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi (which is quite small in comparison, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Botsana sharing a border with all of them. Kalomo is the home of the Batonga people
We regularly raise funds for charities listed below click on each logo to access detailed information.
Our Parish has the Live Simply award given by Cafod and strives to protect our “Common Home”.
This award is an opportunity for Catholic communities – parishes, schools, religious orders and chaplaincies – to respond to Pope Francis’ invitation in Laudato Si’ to “work with generosity and tenderness in protecting this world which God has entrusted to us”.
In November 2022 – £2000 donation to Bishop Oliver in Maiduguri Nigeria,
Following his visit to Preston in July 2022 when Bishop Oliver visited the parishes of Our Lady & St. Edward’s, St Mary’s Newhouse, and St Mary’s
Fernyhalgh. He highlighted the plight of widows and orphans in Maiduguri whose husbands had been killed by Boko Horam.
He asked for funds to feed the people and to organise activities which
promote peace and understanding between Christians and Muslims. There are no other NGAs working in Maidurguri.
He used the £2000 donated to fund a number of significant activities:
- To feed about 350 widows at the annual meeting between the widows and the Bishop in
Maiduguri and Potiskum deaneries, as well as provide transport from Potiskum. - To provide money for food for the widows in Konduga.
- To provide speakers and refreshments for the annual meeting between the Bishop and the
Muslim and Christian youth in Maiduguri - To provide food for the Christmas celebration organised at the bishop’s house for the
internally displaced people, Christian and Muslim alike.